Combining elegance and conscience: Isabelle During and her filmic violin…
"The violin always shines with its finesse and the ability to articulate constantly the vocal line: Isabelle Durin takes us through the landscapes and film sequences which, despite the barbaric horror, avoids sentimental tragedy. The honest intention and adherence to the musical form is at the forefront. Between them, these two musicians have successfully re-written these original scores, creating some beautiful transcriptions."

Jewish Information - March 2018

Tribu 12 magazine - Spring 2018
"Above all, whilst listening to this recording, one is immediately seduced by the sound, the phrasing, the colour and subtlety of Isabelle Durin. One cannot stop… giving in to the beautiful, beautiful sound of the violin. Isabelle Durin plays in her own way to the full extent of her ability. Elegance and good taste are evident in the warm sound, the expressive fingering, the phrasing, which allows the music to breathe and the deep amber notes, evocative of the viola (…and that's a compliment) …a continuous song from the Jewish soul. " | – Review of Mémoire et Cinéma.
"The violinist Isabelle Durin, first violin of the Ile de France National Orchestra, is our guest. Together with the pianist Michaël Ertzscheid, she has concocted a programme which has moved us with its musical finesse, its supple sound, its warmth and keen intonation."
| Radio Enghien id FM 98
"With her new recording Mémoire et cinéma the violinist Isabell Durin revisits the great melodies written for the screen converting them into original versions for violin and piano."
| France Musique - The day's guest - 24 April 2018
"Born in Nice, the violinist Isabelle Durin is truly passionate for her profession, believing that she has above all a mission to preserve memory, in particular Jewish memory and, through music, the lasting quality of a civilisation, notably the world of Jewishness which she strives to preserve. A meeting with a talented instrumentalist." | Tribu 12 Magazine.
"If I were a rich man! This well-known song is on a disc by Isabelle Durin and Michaël Ertzscheid, entitled Mémoire et Cinéma. It is a very successful recording which revisits many film scores." | France Musique En Piste ! Rodolphe Bruneau andEmilie Munera, 1st March 2018 | Interview-entretien avec Isabelle Durin
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